Practical examples
To Mental Training in sports To make something more tangible, I am giving examples below with various athletes of mine.
Assignment: A tennis player (18 years old) comes to me and would like to improve his ranking. At the moment he has extreme difficulties in controlling his emotions in the match. As soon as he makes mistakes, he gets angry and gets deeper and deeper into these negative emotions. The effect is that he no longer focuses well on the rallies. As a result, will too his footwork is more sloppy and slower, which makes him win even fewer points. Likewise, his body language becomes very pessimistic and so he comes into a negative spiral.
Procedure: In three sessions with me he worked out methods to keep himself on a more even emotional level. He achieves this through the combination a routine between separating the Rally and one positive Self talk. He designs his routine with the inclusion of four phases: Reaction to the point played / Check off / new goal / readiness for the next point. He found one for each of the phases assigned Plot. This allows him to calm down more quickly after a mistake and has a plan of what to do.
Assignment: A competitive swimmer (14 years old) comes up with the problem that in her most important races she does not achieve her performance and times from training can retrieve. At the beginning of the sessions she cannot state the reason for this and has not yet been able to Optimization found.
Proceed: Over the course of 4 sessions